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Our Therapy Style

Offering Personalized Attention

We believe that you are the expert of your own life. We can offer a safe, supportive environment to help you heal and empower you to reach your goals. We use a multi-modal therapeutic approach to tailor treatment to meet your specific needs and goals.

We are also an BIPOC and LGBTQ+ ally. We offer a safe space for individuals identifying as BIPOC and LGBTQ+.

Therapy Office
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With You Every Step of the Way

Adolescent Therapy

Adolescent psychotherapy refers to a variety of techniques and methods used to help children and adolescents who are experiencing difficulties with their emotions or behavior. ... In children and adolescents, playing, drawing, building, and pretending, as well as talking, are important ways of sharing feelings and resolving problems.

Individual Therapy

If you’re looking for quality Individual Therapy sessions with a certified Mental Health Service Provider that cares, then you’ve come to the right place. I guide my patients every step of the way and implement various methods to help them develop new attitudes towards all of life’s most complex matters. Schedule an appointment today and see what I can do for you.

Family Therapy

In my therapy sessions, we’ll work to solve current problems and improve positive thinking and behavior. I will help you “re-frame” your reactions and provide you with valuable tools to cope with life’s obstacles. I’m confident you’ll find my personalized Family Therapy beneficial and inspirational. Get in touch to book an appointment.

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A Supportive Therapist

“Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength”

Sigmund Freud

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Online Session Booking

Initial Intake
(for new clients)


Individual Session
(for established clients)


Family Therapy
(for established clients)


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